This Is A Very Gorgeous Situation
Annotations on the body as stenographer of such adolescent rites of glamor
Friday,January 10th, 2025 - Sunday, February 16th, 2025
Opening Reception: Friday,January 10th, 2025| 6-9pm | Free-To-Attend
Presented in Gallery 2
This Is A Very Gorgeous Situation is a corpus of sculptural annotations re: obedience, glamor rituals, siblinghood, and body memory. Adorned in the object regalia of marriage rites, queer poetics, and traditional Black American religious iconography, this is the artist running to his sister, screaming murderous, of a promise made under the porchlight. Through surrealist video portraiture, spatial decontextualization, light mapping, and textile experimentation, This Is A Very Gorgeous Situation frantically excavates an emic dialect in the calcifying material language of the Afroqueer American narrative record.
Gregory Donell Parker is a writer, videographer, spatial designer, and stylist currently based in Philadelphia. Topshelf dusty B.A. Visual Anthropology. He is currently an artist member of Vox Populi gallery. His pop up filmhouse The Florence hosts monthly garage screenings and director talks highlighting queer Philadelphia filmmakers. Also pours a nastyyy latte.