Collective Values Statement

Over the Summer of 2020, the Collective Membership of Vox Populi came together to discuss the effects and influences on or within our organization of white supremacy, hetero-patriarchy, racist violence, state violence, economic inequality, and the corporate exploitation of labor, land, and environment, considering how these conditions plague the operations of the non-profit arts and culture sector more broadly. Our conversations resulted in the drafting of a 7-page Values Statement in August 2020, a document which outlines in detail our shared commitments and ambitions for making Vox Populi a more inclusive and equitable organization moving forward.

The Vox Populi Values Statement is a public document, available for PDF download, through which we seek to actively interrogate and transform our organization and its operations in an ongoing way. The document serves as a tool for guiding the choices and investments of current and future organizational leadership and membership, details specific commitments to annual anti-oppression training and conscientious decision-making, and provides a roadmap for how to hold one another accountable to the ongoing work of anti-oppression.