Space 1026: Wild Paradise
Friday, September 9 - Sunday, October 16, 2022
Opening Reception: Friday, September 9, 2022 | 6-9pm | Free-To-Attend
Presented in Commons Space
Space 1026 takes over Vox Populi’s Commons Space with a friendly collection of work from members and alumni. While our perspectives and media are diverse, we are united by Space 1026’s long standing ethos: do it yourself with other people. Evoking the assemblage of row homes that constitute Philadelphia neighborhoods, reclaimed wood furniture and tape sculptures accompany 2D work while sound installations recall a distant car radio on Washington Ave on a hot summer day. Paper mache critters and other surprises scattered about the exhibition unite the work, and an episode of our live Art Shopping Network airing just in time for dinner to digest.
Neighborhood elementary schools and churches become apartments, empty lots turn into Targets. We examine similar shifts in our own bodies and lives as we reflect on a city that looks much different than it did during the early years of Space 1026. As the ailanthus persisting through cracks in the sidewalk of every neighborhood proclaims, there can never be a space big enough to separate us and the wildness of creation and collaboration. Members come and go, move across the world, change disciplines, attend schools, get jobs, have families. Our lives pull our energies to our respective responsibilities yet we often return to the wild, wild gravity of this collective.
Space 1026 is a collective of artists, musicians, makers, and dreamers. Formed in 1997, they established a gallery and studio spaces at 1026 Arch St. in Philadelphia’s Chinatown before moving to their current location on N. Broad St. in 2019. Space 1026 continues to provide studio spaces, print membership, and a gallery/performance space.
More Info: / @Space1026