Malachi Lily: Newly Created Works
Friday, September 24 - Sunday, October 31, 2021
Presented as Part of Future Ecologies
Artwork Details Forthcoming
Malachi Lily is a collective entity, a they/them. A shapeshifting black poet/artist/curator/moth; born and based in Philadelphia. They offer channelings to reveal our collective symbols and lessons; all that repeats in cultural fabrics and tells us who we are/evolving into. These patterns form queer poems/devotions bestial and angelic, interdimensional stories, and artworks that blend human/nature as manifestations of the Divine. They’re obsessed with the symbiolic – where symbiosis and symbolism meet. Lily remembers/reclaims the spiritual body through mycelial networks of honesty and grounded objectivity, unconditional love, and home-cooked meals.
More Info: / @theholyhawkmoth