Lane Speidel: A Slut is a Person Open to the Possibility of Every Living Thing & People Holding Hands with Trees

Friday, September 24 - Sunday, October 31, 2021

Presented as Part of Future Ecologies


Lane Speidel, A Slut is a Person Open to the Possibility of Every Living Thing, 2019-2021
lighting gels, found materials, dyed fabric, and some of my rock collection.

Lane Speidel, People Holding Hands with Trees, 2020
zine and video, RunTime: 18min

This body of work began as a research project. The artist has struggled with PTSD triggered by intimacy for their whole adult life. What began as private sensory research and writing became a body of work investigating their relationship with sensuality and nature.

Lane found that there were safe ways to experience romance and intimacy through dreams and nature and friendship. They weekly visited Bartram’s Garden and through sound recordings, sensory research and writing further developed a list of wants and desires. The research is documented in the zine People Holding Hands with Trees.


Lane Speidel (they/them) is a Philadelphia based artist, curator, pre-school teacher, trans non-binary person, member of Vox Populi, graduate of Tyler School of Art, and disabled queer. Their works consists of writing, sculpture, fiber work, music, and movement.
More Info: / @body_joke


Malachi Lily: Newly Created Works


Zac Skinner: Anthropocene Apparatus