Gayer Together
Presented by South Philly Autonomous Cinema
It’s the last day of Pride month. The girlies are exhausted, and your cat is tired of you “hydrating” on the couch (you’re chewing ice cubes). Rent’s not due for 4 more hours, and you’re out of klonopin anyway. Why don’t you come to Gayer Together, a double feature of short films correcting the historical record once and for all: The Harlem Renaissance was a queer fantasia, and everyone who fought in the Kronstadt Rebellion was trans.
Looking for Langston combines archival footage, poetry, and dramatized depictions of Langston Hughes’ world, making a significant, if impressionistic, contribution to the historical record of black, gay life. Maggots and Men retells the thrilling revolt of soldiers and townspeople against the new but already oppressive Soviet state--everyone’s doing anarchist praxis, including the casting director.
The people who want to destroy us are getting organized again, and poorly. Let us enjoy the freedom they hate, and together.