Friday, July 5 - Sunday, July 28, 2024
Opening Reception: Friday, July 12, 2024| 6-9pm | Free-To-Attend
Presented in Gallery 1, 2, 3, and Black Box
Science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke formulated three adages that are known as Clarke’s three laws, of which the third is best known and most widely cited: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Vox Populi’s XIX juried exhibit highlights artwork that lives on the fringe of speculative science fiction, explores arcana, dabbles in the occult, or presents as a confluence of two. The works we chose are either esoteric, cryptic, push the aesthetic boundaries of technology, or uncannily blend these concepts or motifs. Cognitive scientist Douglas R. Hofstadter wrote “an eerie type of chaos can lurk just behind a facade of order – and yet, deep inside the chaos lurks an even eerier type of order.” XIX exhibits an exploration of the uncanny through magical realism or other modes of twisting the surreal, mundane, chaotic, or synthetic.
We asked applicants rate their work on a quadrant to show us where they perceive their piece(s) on a spectrum between overarching categories distilled into the binaries of order, magic, technology, and chaos.
Ainaz Alipour
Sophie Auger
Emily Baker
Shir Bassa
Taylor Black
Tanya Brassie
William Broich
Alex Bruce
Molly Burt-Westvig
Lewis Colburn
Jazmyn Crosby
Jacskon Daughety
Jacob Davidson
Maxwell Davis
Katie Delaney
Riham Dib
Casey Durocher
Arda Ergin
Iva Fabrikant
Habib Fall
Rebecca Forstater
Emily Francisco
Mary Gagler
Morgan Hamilton
Kara Hearn
Isys Hennigar
Jacob Lahah
Francesca Lally
Gayoung Lee
James Lyon
Caitlin McCormack
Celia McKinnon
Nick Mittelstead
Maria Molteni
Annalise Neil
Ingrid Nuttle
Painter Jo Harley Nakayama
Mac Piece
Alfred Rosenbluth
Jairan Sadeghi
Olivia Saporito
Zane Schultz
Jonathon Sherwood
Sofia Sierra
Zack Simonson
Blaise Sodano
Matthew Speedy
Dana Sileymanova
Hannah Tardie
David Vosburg
Anthony Warnick
Jon Weary
Michael Webster
Pomona Za
Rafael Zacks
Chris Vecchio
Evan / Eve Greensweig (They/Them) is a self taught abstract painter, and designer from the Philadelphia area working primarily with oil and wax on wood or canvas. Their practice revolves around the esoteric mire that is abstraction and Philosophy. Evan’s work encompasses motion and textural depth to convey a momentary glimpse of beauty within the tragedy and magnificence of forest fire, nurturing ash within blanketing smoke, yawning fissures from which smoke bellows, mysticism, strange encounters, and solemnity. They are currently a member at Vox Populi In Philadelphia and collect porcelain and ceramic dog figurines.
Natalie Hijinx (she/her) is a Philadelphia-based multidisciplinary artist, futurist, fabricator, educator, and member of artist collective Vox Populi. Hijinx’s practice is a flavor swirl of ominous positivity and dystopian comedy, broadly based on speculative futures and worst-case scenario alternate universes, realized in sculpture, installations, digitally fabricated objects, performance, public engagement stunts, puppets, digital tokens, and videos. Her favorite tools are her grandmother’s carpentry hammer and the Demo Hawg TM, a three-foot-long demolition crowbar.