Two by Two

Leigh Van Duzer

February 7- March 2, 2014


And God said unto Noah, “I shall cause a flood to rise over the land, and you must build an ark out of cypress wood that will float on the waters; it must be roofed with reeds and coated inside and out with tar. It must measure three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high. In it you must make room for yourself and your family, and two of every kind of creature.” So Noah built the ark, and summoned the animals, and two by two they came, all the animals of the earth. They lived on the ark during the rains and the flood, until the waters receded and the ark rested on Mount Ararat.” This work is an interpretation of the story of Noah’s Ark. As someone who was not raised with religion and has a nominal understanding of the Bible, Leigh began thinking of a way to combine her interests in architecture and animals, and stumbled across the parable of Noah’s Ark as an instrument of inspiration. She is drawn to the specificity of the architecture of the ark, as well as its construction as an act of faith. Leigh’s intention is to realize the symbolism of honor, protection and salvation in these pieces.


Leigh Van Duzer is a Philadelphia-area artist and a member of Vox Populi Gallery. Leigh received her MFA from the University of Pennsylvania in 2010, and her BA from Hampshire College in 2001. She has received fellowships to the Vermont Studio Center, the Salzburg Summer Art Academy in Austria and the Hambidge Center. Her work has been shown internationally and can be seen at


Sleeve On My Heart


Expanded Earthly World