Tiny Farm Wagon

Presented as Part of Future Ecologies

Friday, September 24, 2024 - Sunday, October 31, 2024

Presented as Part of Future Ecologies


Tiny Farm Wagon ​is a mobile art classroom/greenhouse/gallery inspired by the work of George Washington Carver and dedicated to building new knowledge around community vibrancy through public art projects. Our projects identify, preserve, and promote the threads of wellness that run through Black life.

We build gardens, lead workshops, curate stellar art events, Visual Art, Performance, Sound, Literacy, Installation, and more. And we make delicious plant-based foods from the freshest ingredients.

We ask the community to consider: What makes us well? What keeps us from it?

In the Summer of 2020 Tiny Farm Wagon received a grant from the Independence Public Media Foundation to engage West Philly Youth as story collectors in our community. Over 4 weeks, we touched on topics such as the history and current state of police abuse of Black people in Philly, respectful community interviewing techniques, and graphic design for social justice movements, and entrepreneurship. Students were tasked with collecting statements from the community based on the following questions:

1. When did you realize there was a problem with the way that Black people are policed in Philadelphia?

2. What advice do you have for young Black people about how to deal with the police?

3. What changes could be made to bring justice or make things better?

For more information about Tiny Farm Wagon, send an email to: tinyfarmwagon@gmail.com or visit mistysol.com/tinyfarmwagon


Emily Carris-Duncan & Joanne Douglas: Seeking Shelter - Ancestors in the Aquifer


Make/Shift: It Wasn't Supposed To Be Like This