Stadium Stompers: An Archive of Resistance

Curated by Blanche Brown, Verónica Ayala Flores, josh graupera

Friday, September 9 - Sunday, October 16, 2022

Opening Reception: Friday, September 9, 2022 | 6-9pm | Free-To-Attend
Presented in Gallery Three


In 2015 Temple University’s Board of Trustees began pursuing the construction of a 35,000 seat stadium in the middle of North Central Philadelphia, a historically African American community experiencing an influx of students. Stadium Stompers formed in response to this pursuit, growing into a movement of community members, students, and faculty to stop Temple University’s stadium and build power in North Philly. Since November 2015, we’ve been committed to organizing together as members of North Central Philadelphia. Through a variety of tactics, we have been successful in preventing Temple’s stadium. Here we lay out our tools and strategies, success and failures, so that others may learn from them. This is the preserved material of the community organizing we have done over the past six years: community newsletters, town halls, protests sculptures, notes from our biweekly meetings, etc.

Welcome to the living archive of the fight against the stadium!


Stadium Stompers is a movement of community members, students, and faculty coming together to stop Temple University’s stadium and build power in North Philly. Since November 2015, we’ve been committed to organizing together as members of North Central Philadelphia and beyond.
More Info: / @stadiumstompers


In Loving Memory at Space 1026


Krissy Talking Pictures: Residue