Slapstick Polyphonies
A collection of works by the current membership of Vox Populi Gallery
Friday, November 3 - Thursday, December 21, 2023
Opening Reception: Friday, November 3, 2023 | 6-9 pm | Free-To-Attend
Presented in Gallery One
To end the year in a spirit of excess, the members of Vox Populi present a special holiday faire group show. Momentarily relinquishing any pretense of aesthetic planning, there is no curation; and only the most indirect of coordination has been observed to nurture the complex order arrived at through difference and asymmetry. Polyphony, the music of multiple sounds or voices moving independently, resonates for me with the delicious tensions of Vox Populi. Voice of the People.
Working as an artist within a collective, one needn’t presume likeness to be assembled under one body—our visions may be in conflict even as we work towards ends which meet. So in anticipation of this cumulative work—which frankly could end up as nothing at all, we hold an open space for the Polyphonic Curiosity of what may come. We take this time to welcome new members, celebrate older members that are moving on, and acknowledge this moment that is being crystalized before it too peels away into the gentle rest of winter. You, dear reader, are invited to delight in the open dissonances of dancing sperm buttressing a wobbling bust of Thomas Jefferson. To peruse various conflicting agitation propagandas while drinking nutritious egg nog from a dystopian carafe. That is just for starters—would you like more?
Your friend, Jim Strong