Raúl Romero: Newly Created Video Installation
Friday, September 24 - Sunday, October 31, 2021
Presented as Part of Future Ecologies
My work uses sound as a physical material and translates psychoacoustic phenomena into gestural scenarios. Intercommunication among us and our environment sits at the root of my practice. I see sound as a multiplex medium where language, data, and music takes form to create sonic experiences. I take different approaches surrounding the idea of “connections,” from cultural histories to satellite dishes to ecologies.
This perspective stems from my early life traveling between rural Florida and Puerto Rico. My environments fluctuated from the edge of rapid suburban growth to overgrown jungles and the Arecibo Space Observatory which provided me a place to wander, skateboard and play music.
I connect industrial, pastoral and recreational spaces by overlapping, referencing, and replacing one another. For example, sounds from one place are injected into another to create an augmented soundscape, energy from a plant translates to sound and drums become anthropomorphic plant creatures producing unintelligible sound to human hearing.
I also utilize technological elements by combining mediums and materials like mixing analog and digital components. This reflects my desire to foster conversations through time while using the power of objects, images, language and the possibility of hidden worlds within and beyond our
assumed realities.
Raúl Romero is a Philadelphia based artist working in sound, sculpture, installation and performance.He earned a B.A. in Communication from the University of South Florida and an MFA in Sculpture from Yale University School of Art. He currently works at the University of the Arts as a Film Coordinator and Lecturer. Romero has been awarded grants from the Velocity Fund and the National Association of Latino Arts and Culture. He is a member of Vox Populi Gallery and has been a resident artist at RAIR, Recycling Artist in Residence program in Philadelphia.
He has exhibited at the Locust Projects, Taller Puertorriqueño, Yale School of Art, The Kitchen, The Denver Contemporary Art Museum, Transformer Gallery, Pentimenti Gallery, Delaware Center for Contemporary Art, The Contemporary Art Museum in Tampa, The Tampa Museum of Art and The Museum of Science and Industry in Tampa. He was also awarded The William and Nancy Oliver Gallery Prize at The Contemporary Art Museum in Tampa.
More Info: raulromero.com / @rauoool