Poll Workers Needed
James Britt
Friday, September 8 - Sunday, October 15, 2023
Opening Reception: Friday, September 8, 2023 | 6-9 pm | Free-To-Attend
Presented in Galleries Two
The voting process is a critical pillar of our democracy, erected by the founding fathers at the inception of this great experiment known as the United State of America. It has historically had a tenuous existence, yet it feels even more perilous today as elected officials and private citizens blatantly suppress the right to vote by subverting the rule of law and deploying strongarm tactics like threatening poll workers who are simply doing their job.
Often lauded as the quintessential example of engaged citizenry in its highest form, these individuals manage the mundane logistical details at polling stations to ensure your vote is counted. They must be protected to preserve the legitimacy of our elections and the stability of our institutional values. This exhibition pays tribute to those who make the sacrifice to work the polls, preventing the wheels of democracy from grinding to a halt.
James Britt is an interdisciplinary visual artist and member of Vox Populi. He received a B.A. in Sociology and African American/African Studies from the University of Virginia, a M.Ed. in Counseling Education from Virginia Commonwealth University, and a M.F.A. in Art Theory and Practice from Northwestern University. Britt currently resides in West Philadelphia.