Behold, behold, How a moan is grown!

Suzanne Seesman

March 4 - April 24, 2016


Behold, behold,
How a moan is grown!

considers the connections between radical histories and practices of everyday life. Soft sculpture, image and audio based works, pose questions about the relationship of radical thought to present day practices of study, affective labor, desire and leisure.

Suzanne Seesman is a Philadelphia based artist and writer. Her past experiences working in education, labor rights, cooperative organizing, and the service industry, have a significant influence on her writing, thinking, and making. She holds a BFA in Sculpture from Ohio University and an MFA from Tyler School of Art. In 2014 she received both the Cloud Artist Prize and The Ilya and Emilia Kabakov Fellowship in recognition and support of her work. In 2015, she was an artist in residence at the The International Ceramics Studio (ICS) in Kecskemet, Hungary. She teaches courses in Visual Culture Studies, Sculpture and Rhetorical criticism at Temple University. In addition she is currently a member of Vox Populi and is the Co-Director of the public programing and online publishing project the Nicola Midnight St. Claire.

Events in association with the exhibition:

Behold, Behold, 2016
Affective sector workers read the poetry of Voltairine de Cleyre.
April 1st 6:00pm
April 24th 2:30pm

Kate Speidel performs the body of the reader, 2016
April 2nd 12:00pm

Performance, 2016
A manual reorganization of PDF’s
according to their shifting
April 19th 4:00pm

//Suggested/Required// conversations
April 2nd 3:30pm
April 21st 6:00pm


Building a Wall Through My Father
