
Nelly Agassi and Assaf Evron

December 5 - 28, 2014


The second installment of 3AM Maternal, curated by Lise Haller Baggeson, explores the blueprint of co-dependency and of late night feeding.

Nelly Agassi and Assaf Evron titled the show NUMIMA after the word their infant son invented for nursing. It is a melodic elision of the Hebrew words for sleeping (numi) and mother (ima).

Not quite a collaborative piece and not quite two discreet works of art, Numima creates a shared space defined between the two –like in the case of their young children, the installation mixes their (artistic) DNA, by combining recent works into a new and different entity, and includes assistance from outside; we all know it takes a village to raise a child.

The simple line drawings of Nelly Agassi’s imagined 19th Century insane asylums evoke both architectural and biological shapes and are animated by Maya Raviv to pulsate, like ovaries, in a continuous flow of welcoming and rejection. Illuminated by its glowing light is an egg-shaped object, both alien and homely at the same time; it has been rendered from a digital representation of color, into a 3-D into epoxy and MDF composite by Assaf Evron. The soundscape in which they co-exist is delivered by electronic composer Daniel Davidovsky.


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