Don’t Miss Me
Lane Speidel
September 7 - September 30, 2018
Lane Speidel, Don’t Miss Me, 2018
Were you born inside your body? How did you find it? What told you? Who told you it was yours? Did your parents show you? Did the skin? How did you know it was time? Are you sure? Are you still wondering? Are you still waiting?
Who are you but the sound made by others?
Can you see my body in the past and future?
What does my body contain?
What is it holding in?
What is it keeping out?
Is it nothing if it’s not there?
Is your body a time machine?
I want to be able to look into the future.
I want to be able to see.
I can heal my past and I can change my future. I can go back in time and make myself born nothing. I can reach into my pasts through a hole in a sweater and sew the wound.
Friday September 7, 6-10pm | Don’t Miss Me Collaboration 1: Close friends Lane Speidel and Bobbi Salvor Menuez will lounge on sculptures in costumes, spending time together as one tattoos the other’s butt during September’s First Friday Opening Reception.
Saturday, September 29, 7pm | saggy: An improv band organized by Jim Strong and Lane Speidel in correspondence with their exhibitions at Vox. Their collaboration will take the form of an improvised band with help from some guests. They will, having never rehearsed together, perform as a band.
Friday, October 5, 6-10pm | 1,000 Dicks: Lane Speidel sets dedicated time aside to draw 1,000 dicks during October’s First Friday Reception. It might stretch into the weekend, it may take only one night.
Sunday, October 7, 3pm | Gallery Talk moderated by Wesley Flash
Lane Speidel was born in New York City and now they live in Philadelphia. They are a pre-school teacher, a Scorpio, a trans non-binary person, an anxious pooper, a member of Vox Populi, a graduate of Tyler School of Art, queer, 2nd runner up for “Smartest” in the Renaissance Middle School Year Book, the oldest child of three, and a very emotional individual.
I like to walk sometimes, I like to collect trash, I like to feel my friend’s hair, I like to put my body upside down, I just decided that I love myself.