Kirk McCarthy: Speculative Artifacts
Presented as Part of Future Ecologies
Friday, September 24, 2024 - Sunday, October 31, 2024
Presented as Part of Future Ecologies
Kirk McCarthy, Speculative Artifacts, 2021
mixed media, including polyurethane foam, resin, bronze, brick, epoxy, porcelain, mushroom, et. al.
This project displays hypothetical terrains that collect seemingly disparate but interconnected artifacts together as a form of speculative worldmaking. I use abstraction with the desire to facilitate what Meredith Monk refers to as “direct experience” to create the possibility of space for the viewer to encounter the work prior to verbal language or narrative.
Kirk McCarthy is a mixed media sculptor whose objects and installations allude to eccentric systems, unseen forces of nature, and processes in operation that we cannot always perceive. His most recent work engages with the fluidity of landscapes in complicated times, and the environment as metaphor for states of consciousness. Experimental combinations of objects and materials, and speculative associations drive his work.
Kirk McCarthy has a BFA in Ceramics from the California College of Arts, an MFA in Ceramics from Rhode Island School of Design, an MFA in Sculpture from the University of Washington, and a MID (Masters in Industrial Design) from the University of the Arts.
More Info: / @kirkmccarthy108