So Perfect
Sharon Koelblinger
March 3 - April 23, 2017
In So Perfect Sharon Koelblinger draws upon the history of intentional communities and considers what there is to be gained (and lost) by individuals seeking out a utopian counter culture. Through referencing her own experience growing up in an organized spiritual community, Koelblinger reflects upon the desire to aspire to a collective nirvana while simultaneously exhibiting skepticism in the ability to achieve it. In the context of this exhibition objects serve as referents to those used by spiritual seekers and appear fossilized as if having been left behind in extinction. Koelblinger contemplates questions through her work such as: Does labor lead to transcendence? How do dogmatic principles assimilate into the practice of daily life? And what are the consequences of pursuing impossible ideals?
About the Artist
Sharon Koelblinger holds an MFA in Photography from the Tyler School of Art and a BFA in Sculpture from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Koelblinger has participated in exhibitions in New York City, Atlanta, Minneapolis, and Chicago; she has most recently exhibited her work in a solo exhibition at Black Oak House in Philadelphia and has been included in group exhibitions at Upfor Gallery in Portland, OR and Blue Star Contemporary in San Antonio, TX. She teaches photography at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, the Delaware College of Art and Design and Pennsylvania College of Art and Design. She has attended residencies at The Bakery Photographic Collective in Portland, ME and The Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, VT. So Perfect is Koelblinger’s second solo exhibition at Vox Populi. www.sharonkoelblinger.coms, commercial galleries, collectives, friend’s garages and his kitchen.