X + 1
Vox Accelerated
Febuary 2-18, 2018
Friday, February 2, 6-10pm
Sunday, February 18, 3pm with music generated by Vox and their guests
In February Vox Populi celebrates the active practice of collectivity. X+1 is a collectively curated exhibition inspired by the concept of an internet search, where content is loosely and tightly linked to other imagery available and consumed in the digital sphere. X+1 presents over 20 distinct artist’s positions and explores the freedom of association and the beauty of exception.
For X +1, the membership was divided into groups and provided with an image of Wallace Berman’s photo assemblage “Untitled (A1-Wolf),” from 1970. With Berman’s psychological landscape in mind, one member from each group selected an artwork by an external artist to display in the galleries, and passed an image of that work to their fellow group members to respond to in-the-round. This process revisits and extends the collective’s ongoing conversation about community, media and aesthetics, from its similarly-structured 2015 exhibition, “Surf Club.”
Join us for a show curated by the Vox collective. X+1 is free and open to all — explorers, eyebrow-raisers and serious connoisseurs are welcome.
The galleries are open Wed-Sun 12-6pm. On Sunday, Feb. 18th the public is invited to an afternoon with coffee, conversation and youtube-generated music by, with, and from Vox and its guests.
Read the names of selected artists, craftsmen and friends listed and grouped below, as well as in parenthesis the Vox member who shared their work:
Gallery 01
Adam Mihalik (Levi Bentley), Misty Mountain (Lane Speidel), Randy Dalton, Brujo de la Mancha (Kristen Neville Taylor), Li Sumpter (Stephanie Bursese)
Gallery 02
Guyodo [Frantz Jacques], Ronald Edmond (Mark Stockton), Cari Freno, Sedakial Gebremedhin (Tina Plokarz), Danna Singer (Chad States)
Gallery 03
Ryan McCartney (Mina Zarfsaz), Noel Puello (Timothy Belknap), Philippa Beardsley (Jim Strong), Ted Fullwood (Kirk McCarthy)
Gallery 04
Caitlin & Misha (Maddie Hewitt), Monica Kane (Julia Staples), Mark Schatz (Sharon Koelblinger),Corey Chao and Aislinn Pentecost-Farren (Maude Haak-Frendscho)
Swim Pony Performing Arts (Maria Dumlao)
Kameron Neal (Imani Roach)
Philippa Beardsley, Brujo de la Mancha, Corey Chao and Aislinn Pentecost-Farren,Randy Dalton, Ronald Edmond, Cari Freno, Ted Fullwood, Caitlin & Misha, Guyodo (Frantz Jacques), Sedakial Gebremedhin, Monica Kane, Misty Mountain, Adam Mihalik, Ryan McCartney, Kameron Neal, Noel Puello, Mark Schatz, Danna Singer, Li Sumpter, Swim Pony Performing Arts