Aaron Terry: No Cost Newtopia
Presented as Part of Future Ecologies
Friday, September 24, 2024 - Sunday, October 31, 2024
Presented as Part of Future Ecologies
Aaron Terry, No Cost Newtopia, 2021
Screen Print Seed Pouches, Seeds
According to studies, the introduction of trees in urban areas often raises property values and the potential for gentrification.
Historically, “low-income” neighborhoods lack trees and plant life (through the systemically racist “redline” planning of cities).
How can we contribute to the reintroduction of native plants in our cities to support native natural flora and fauna without inadvertently contributing to gentrification?
These seeds are native, herbaceous varieties, contributing to the reintroduction of plants on a smaller scale: positively impacting local bee and bird populations. They are meant to be planted/sewn in the fall. They are perennial, meaning they will continue to reproduce after their initial planting. They are also a selection of hearty herbaceous plants that do not require rich soil or regular watering. You can distribute them and let them work on their own. In addition to the birds and the bees, the presence of plants (on a significant, but smaller scale than trees) are found to decrease stress and anxiety in the people that live in their presence.
These seeds are shared freely in the hopes that you will share your own perspective: what are your hopes and concerns in today’s world and how can we progress toward those hopes and concerns?
Aaron Terry grew up as a kid with no electricity or running water in the woods of Upstate New York until fate brought his family to Philadelphia, where he grew into the city as a young adult. His biggest fear as a child was nuclear war or a bear attack. Terry’s work has been shown in Argentina, Chile, Moscow, Berlin, Philadelphia, Portland, Oregon and the San Francisco Bay Area. Terry has lived most of his life in the San Francisco Bay Area, but recently returned to Philadelphia. He works in traditional and non-traditional printmaking, sculpture and sound pieces. Terry is a DJ and musician in the band Gold Wood and he organizes art and music related events throughout Latin America aimed at fostering a more creative dialogue between artists and musicians (and the people that enjoy visual and sonic arts). Terry holds an MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute. He is an Assistant Professor of Art and Design at the University of Delaware.
More Info: aaroneliahterry.com / @urbanyetti